Agenda: | Be advised this meeting will be audio and video taped.
*Pledge of Allegiance*
Call Meeting to Order 7:00 PM
Executive Session:
To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigation position of the public body, and the chair so declares.
Lake Street Settlement Agreement Discussion
Action Items
- Please consider Lake Street Settlement
Please consider Town Administrator Contract
- Please consider MAS Building & Bridge Contract
- Please consider road closure for a Halloween parade party on Saturday, October 27th at 4pm.
Open warrant
Consider adding a warrant article from rep Doooley
Close warrant
Discussion Items
- Review Town Meeting Warrant
- Town Administrator Search Committee
- Update on Projects
Report of Warrants
The following warrants have been signed:
9/14/18 #06PS19 $790,145.27 (JL) 9/18/18 #12V19 $339,022.81 (JL)
9/18/18 #12VS19 $98,748.24 (JL) 9/25/18 #13V19 $113,247.87
Any other unanticipated business that may come before the Board