Agenda: | Call Meeting to Order
- 7:00 PM Hillary Cohen/Biscaia Dog Hearing
Report of Warrants
- The following warrants have been signed:
- 7/10/2018 01V19 $2,220.090.91** 7/10/2018 02VSA19 $150.00
- 7/10/2018 02V19 $726,994.15
- 7/17/2018 03V19 $87,972.43
Action Items
- Please consider Street Names for Lakeland Farms Project
- Please consider appointing Alexandra M. Fraher to the Conservation Commission
- Please consider the Clerical Union Contract
- Please consider the DPW Union Contract
- Please consider appointing Jack Hathaway, Jonathan Smith, Anthony Turi and Rob Garrity to the Town Government Study Committee
- Please consider the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library Annual Book and Bake Sale to be held on Saturday, April 20, 2019
- Please consider providing funding for legal support for the Zoning Board of Appeals should they require resources
Discussion Items
- Old Town Hall
- Liaison Reports
- Lawrence Street Bridge
Update on current Litigation with regard to Run & Gun Ranch
Any other unanticipated business that may come before the Board