Agenda: | Posted 10/22/2020; 2:10 PM
Agenda Item Added
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Monday, October 26, 2020
6:30 PM General Session
Due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak, the Hampshire Regional School District is closed to the public. In accordance with guidance from the Governor’s office, we are providing a call in number for public access.
Topic: School Committee
Time: October 26, 2020 6:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 0153 1421
Passcode: 999407
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
I. Call to Order- Margaret Larson, Chair
II. Public Comment
III. Routine Matters
1. Appointments to finance subcommittee
2. Approval of minutes: October 15, 2020
3. Discussion of warrants
4. Announcements
5. Students’ reports: Emily Godden, Class of 2021 and Tyler Galpin, Class of 2022
6. HREA teacher report
7. Principal’s report
8. Superintendent’s report
IV. Budget
V. New Business
1. School Committee Social Media Use
2. Student Computer Usage, Damage, and Loss Policy - Vote
VI. Old Business
1. HRHS Athletics Update
2. Discussion for Quarter 2 Learning Model
b. Decision Metrics/Protocols for changing learning models
c. Course Learning Time
d. Other
VII. Correspondence
VIII. Other Business that May Arise After Agenda is Posted
All items must be discussed with the chair prior to the start of the meeting a. Selection of voting delegate to MASC conference
IX. Adjourn |