Agenda: | 1. Call to Order
2. Reading of minutes of June 16, 2015 meeting.
3. Acknowledgements, announcements, correspondence
4. Department Head Reports
a. 7:30 Robin Mowrey, Animal Inspector
b. Keith Newton, DPW Supervisor
i. Re: Awarding of Bids for Town Hall & Cupola Restoration.
ii. Re: Awarding of Bids for Restoration of Old Fire Sta. 1.
iii. Signing of Invitation to Bid for Chapter 39M and Chapter 30B services.
5. Old Business
a. FY 2016 Appointments continued.
6. New Business
a. 7:15 pm - Jay Rasky of Mt. Grace Land Conservation Trust
7. Any other item(s) not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to such meeting.
8. Signing of Treasury Warrants
9. Executive Session - DPW Superintendent, Keith Newton
10. Adjournment |