Agenda: | 7:00 p.m. Open Time to the Public
7:05 p.m. Regular Business:
-Review Minutes
-Treasurer’s Report - 2016 Budget
7:20 p.m. NOI 61 Coleman Rd.
-Project Owner: David Garstka
-Representative: Mark Reed, Heritage Surveys, Inc.
7:30 p.m. NOI Renewal: 289-0176
-Project Owner: Hampton Ponds Association
-Representative: Michael Lennon, SOlitude Lake Management
7:35 p.m. Extension of Hearing: NOI Crooked Ledge Rd.
-Project Owner: Dan Pellegrini
-Representative: R. Levesque Associates, Inc.
7:40 p.m. Stewardship Projects
-Whittemore Bridge :DCR Grant
-CPC Project Meeting
7:45 p.m. Adjournment
Times are subject to change |