Agenda: | Important Notice: Following the Governor's reopening plan, effective May 29, 2021, this meeting will be conducted in person with public in attendance. All fully vaccinated persons may attend without a mask or maintaining social distance. Unvaccinated persons are expected to wear a mask and continue social distancing from non-household members.
1. Call To Order
2. Minutes of previous meeting(s)8/3/2021
3. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
A. Royalston Resident letter...Parking during events at the Gazebo
4. Dept. Head Reports
5. New Business
A. Request for One-Day Liquor License 09/25/2021 – Janice Trask, RSVR
B. Town Facilities Use Application – Janice Trask, RSVR
C. Town Facilities Use Application – Gary Winitzer
D. Town Facilities Use Application –
Maureen Blasco
E. Vote to sign P&S for Cloutier property
F. Appointment - Conservation Commission - Sebastian Velez
6. Old Business
A. Discussion of MART Draft Proposal- Gary Winitzer
B. Appointments - MRPC Representative: Kyle Nartowitcz; Alternate: James Barclay
C. SB Administrative Assistant Position
discuss pay for Acting AA
job description and posting of opening
D. Plan for Public Meeting on Town Owned Buildings - Roland Hamel
E. Decision on fall Special Town Meeting
7. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
8. Executive Session M.G.L.c.30A, s. 21 (A) Reason #3: To discuss collective bargaining strategy if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the board's bargaining position and the chair so declares. The board will not reconvene in open session.
9. Adjournment. |