Agenda: | Conservation Commission
October 20, 2014 Southampton Town Hall [210 College Highway] 7:00 PM
7:00 p.m. Open Time to the Public
7:05 p.m. Regular Business:
Review minutes
Treasurer’s Report
7:20 p.m. RDA Crooked Ledge Road Lot 4 Map 17
Applicant: Daniel Pellegrini
Representative: Kate Bednaz, R. Levesque Assoc. Westfield
7:30 p.m. Open Space Projects:
Whittemore Project
CPC Projects
Hiking Maps
7:40 p.m. New/Old Projects:
Part-time Conservation Agent: Easthampton Meeting & CIC Grant
103 Glendale Restoration Plan
8:00 p.m. Adjournment
Times and agenda content are subject to change |