Agenda: | 1. Call to Order
2. Acknowledgements,Announcements, Correspondence
3. Department Head Reports
a. 7:05 - RDP award to BOH
b. Tree Warden report
4. Old Business
a. 7:30 pm - National Grid - Warwick Road Pole Hearing (rescheduled from 9/2/14
b. Pole Hearing -Butterworth Rd. RESCHEDULED to October 21, 2014 @ 7:30 pm
c. Audit Proposal(s)
5. New Business
a. ?? Daniel Tague re:Town Line Boundaries-Richmond, NH & Royalston, MA
b. Consideration of a Fall Special Town Meeting
6. Any other item(s) not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to such meeting
7. Executive Session - Union negotiations
8. Signing of Treasury Warrant(s)
9. Adjournment |