Agenda: | 1. Call to order
2. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
3. Department Head Reports
a. Kevin Flynn - DHCD application
b. DPW - Keith Newton
4. Old Business
a. POSTPONED TO DEC 2ND - 7:45 NGRID - Continuation of Butterworth Road Pole Hearing - Plan 16952798; Davis Hill Road, Plan 16952798-2;Elm Avenue, Plan 16952798-3; Butterworth Rd, Plan 16952798-4;Stewart Rd. 16952798-5
b. POSTPONED TO DEC. 2ND - Pole Hearing - Plan No. 16951746,Athol Road
c. Consideration of Two Audit Proposals
d. Sign STM warrant
5. New Business
a. 7:30 pm - Tax Classification Hearing
b. Review of FY 2016 Budget sheets
c. Review of Constellation electricity proposal
6. Any other item(s) not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to such meeting
7. Signing of Treasury Warrants
8. Adjournment |