Information for Meeting of Zoning Board of Appeals
Tuesday September 07, 2021 7:00 PM EDT

As of March 1, 2024, Essex no longer posts meetings here. Please see the town website going forward.
Town:Essex, MA 
Board:Zoning Board of Appeals
Time:Tuesday September 07, 2021 7:00 PM EDT
Location:Town Hall - Auditorium (3rd Floor)
30 Martin Street, Essex, MA 01929
7:00 PM
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 - 7:00 PM Town Hall Auditorium, 30 Martin Street, Essex MA
Public hearing on a petition filed by Andrew Scola for a variance from Town of Essex Zoning By-law 6-3.2.1. Dimensional Requirements, for side yard setback for property located at 21 Choate Street, Assessor’s Map 105, Lot 17, to add a single story garage.
Public hearing on a petition filed Jeffrey A. Fraser, Jr. for a variance from Town of Essex Zoning By-law 6-3.2.1. Dimensional Requirements, for side yard setback for property located at 43 Eastern Avenue, Assessor’s Map 136, Lot 43, to replace an existing mud room and add a garage.
Public hearing on a petition filed by John T. Coughlin and Priscilla M. Coughlin, Trustees, for a variance from Town of Essex Zoning By-law, 6-7.2 D(3), to exceed the maximum size of a directory sign located at 8 Martin Street, Assessor’s Map 128, Lot 168.
• Approval of minutes from the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting of August 4, 2021.
• Items that could not be reasonably anticipated by the Chair in advance of the meeting posting deadline.
• Adjourn.
Scheduled By:Natalie Fiore
Posted At:Aug 23, 2021 7:58 AM EDT
Last Modified:Aug 23, 2021 7:58 AM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Minutes and Associated Documents

MinutesApproved090721.pdf  (download) 246 Kb Jan 10, 2022 6:38 PM EST