Agenda: | The Conservation Commission meeting will be held via a Zoom Meeting (Internet)
Public Participation via calling in or using your computer is encouraged
To Watch on Computer/Tablet or phone
• Go to
o Hit “Join a meeting” in top right of screen
o Type in Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 898 1757 2220
Password: 824740
o Hit “Join”
o Please be sure to mute your device when joining in
Note: to join in video meeting with cell phone you will need to download the zoom app from the app store.
To call in: 1-646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 898 1757 2220 Password: 824740
If you cannot gain access during the meeting, please email for assistance
6:00 Call meeting to order
Open Time to the Public
Old Business
1. Enforcement Order, 51 Rattle Hill Rd, update
2. OSRP Section 9 Seven Year Action Plan
Stewardship Projects
1. Manhan Meadows Sanctuary – RTP Grant status
2. Forest Management
3. Szczypta Farm Conservation Area parking request
4. Trail work/signs
5. Volunteers
Regular Business
1. Bylaw discussion
2. Updates from other boards
3. Review minutes from September 21, 2020
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Signatures
6. Correspondence
7. Any other necessary business that cannot await the October 19, 2020 Conservation Commission meeting.
Other Site Visits
Upcoming Meeting Dates (subject to change)
10/19/2020, 11/2/2020, 11/16/2020, 12/7/2020, 12/21/2020, 01/04/2021, 02/01/2021, 03/01/2021
Adjournment |