Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Board of Assessors |
Time: | Tuesday November 17, 2015 4:30 PM EST |
Location: | Town Hall 210 College Hwy Assessor's Office |
Agenda: | BOA - AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Release of lien for Hogan per Mass. Department of Conservation & Recreation acceptance of the withdrawal of subject Chapter 61 application processed in July, 2015 2. Approval of minutes 3. Review & Sign (if any) MV/Boat Excise Tax Abatement Applications & Certificates 4. Review & Sign (if any) Month End Lists 5. Review & Sign (if any) Warrants 6. Review & Sign (if any) Commitments incl. "Chapter Land" white papers 7. Take any actions necessary related to emergency hire and temporary hire of Kim Spencer 8. Review work accomplished and backlog caused by limited 10 hr./wk. office schedule 9. Take any actions necessary related to consulting services from Bishop Associates including field work backlog & setting of tax rate 10. Discuss/process impending tax related forms for Town Treasurer 11. Take any actions necessary related to the process of permanently replacing the principal assessor a. Action on revised terms of service imposed by PPPB & Fincom b. Posting and advertising the position 12. Reports/Updates 13. All Other Business New/Old |
Scheduled By: | the automatic scheduling system |
Posted At: | Nov 04, 2015 5:00 AM EST |
Last Modified: | Mar 28, 2016 9:21 PM EDT |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Board of Health | Town Hall Board of Health office | 6:00 PM | Details... |
TOWN HALL - **Various offices remain open until 6 PM** | Town Hall | 6:00 PM | Details... |
Date | Changes | |
Nov 12, 2015 12:42 PM EST | Agenda | Details... |