Agenda: | 7:05 Update on BobCat Hollow, Bissonette Circle. Tracey Burke and Randall Kemp.
7:15 ANR Daniel Pelligrini, Crooked Ledge Road
7:20 Request for Lot release from Old Farms Road, Atty Jack Jakobek for James and Eugene LaBrie.
7:30 Request for hearing date notice for Accessory Apt application by Pat Sutherland for 73 Moosebrook Road.
7:35 Final Edits for Solar By-Law revisions to be forwarded to BOS for hearing approval.
7:45 Provide back-up of hearing audio tapes for Ms Gail Santoro regarding Nicholas Lane permit conditions.
7:50 Warrants, Minutes, mail.
8:00 Adjourn |