Agenda: | The Conservation Commission meeting will be held via a Zoom Meet-ing (Internet)
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6:00 Call meeting to order
Open Time to the Public
New Business
1. Discussion with R. Levesque regarding permit application process review
a. Site address assignments/changes
b. Discrepancies in paperwork
Stewardship Projects
1. Vernal Pool Certifications
2. Conservation Restrictions
3. Forestry Work update
4. Manhan Meadows Sanctuary RTP Grant Projects
5. Trail work elsewhere
Regular Business
1. Wetlands Protection Bylaw – update
2. Updates from other boards
3. Review minutes from March 1, 2021
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Signatures
6. Correspondence
7. Any other necessary business that cannot await the April 5, 2021 Conservation Commission meeting.
Other Site Visits
Upcoming Meeting Dates (subject to change)
04/05/2021, 05/03/2021, 05/17/2021, 06/07/2021, 06/21/2021
Adjournment |