Agenda: | Topic: Board of Assessors Meeting 12-21-2020
Time: Dec 21, 2020 04:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 891 0336 2902
Passcode: 513976
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Call the meeting to order:
Open Time for the Public
1. Approval of minutes of Dec.8, 2020 meeting & Joint meeting with Selectboard
2. Update from Principal Assessor
3. Update from Chair
4. Old Business:
a. Assistant - start date? Update on Covid provisions
b. Review Email from Mass DOR Div of Local Services - FY 2026 Planning
c. Review of Joint Selectboard Meeting
d. Any other old business
5. New Business:
a. Edwards Road - Map 5 Block 1 - 59.91 acres and Map 11 Block 1 - 85.12 acres currently under Chapter 61 Forest is getting sold by the current owners who are from Stratham, NH to a “local person who is not a developer”. They were recently in contact with Cindy Palmer of the Open Space Committee. Closing in early 2021.
b. Updates from Selectboard
c. Any other new business
6. Review, approve and sign
7. Set next meeting date and Adjourn |