Agenda: | Posted 2/22/2021; 12:35 AM
Monday, March 8, 2021
6:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Topic: Southampton School Committee
Date: Monday, March 8, 2021
Time: 6:30 pm
Due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak, the Southampton School District is closed to the public. In accordance with guidance from the Governor’s office, we are providing a Zoom for public access.
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I. Call to Order – Jon Lumbra, Chair
II. Public Comments
Any member of the public that has a connection to Norris may speak at this time. This is not meant to be a Q&A nor a debate. Speakers when identified should state their name and connection to Norris and make their statement. Any supporting documents and or material should be emailed to the committee at
III. Budget
A. Discussion of FY22 budget ideas and proposals
IV. Adjourn
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