Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Town Caucus |
Time: | Thursday June 22, 2017 10:00 AM EDT |
Location: | Town Hall-1st fl mtg rm 210 College Hwy SPECIAL TOWN MEETING |
Agenda: | TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT Thursday, June 22, 2017 10:00 A.M. FIRST FLOOR MEETING ROOM TOWN HALL 210 COLLEGE HIGHWAY SOUTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON WARRANT FOR THE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING June 22, 2017 HAMPSHIRE, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Southampton in said County: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the precincts of the Town of Southampton, County of Hampshire, quali-fied to vote in elections and Town affairs to meet in the First Floor Meeting Room, Town Hall 210 College Highway, Southampton, Massachusetts, on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., then and there to act on the following articles: ARTICLE 1 FUNDING FOR WATER SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will appropriate up to Two Million Seven Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($2,730,000) to pay the costs of the design and construction of water system improvements, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, to determine whether this amount should be raised by borrowing or otherwise; or to take any other action relative thereto. 2/3rds Majority ARTICLE 2 AUTHORIZATION TO BORROW FROM THE MASSACHUSETTS CLEAN WATER TRUST To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the construction of the Water System Improvement Project; to determine whether this appropriation shall be raised by bor-rowing from the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust or otherwise; or to take any other action relative thereto. 2/3rds Majority ARTICLE 3 COOK/COUNTY RD DRINKING WATER AND OPEN SPACE PROTECTION PROJECT To see if the Town will vote: (a) to raise, appropriate, or transfer from available funds, accept gifts and grants and/or borrow the sum of up to Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000) for the purpose of acquiring, for the purposes below, certain property known as the Gwinner Property consisting of 25.64 acres, more or less, and shown on the Assessor’s Map 30 as Parcel 12A; (b) that to meet this appropriation, the sum of up to Three Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Two Dollars and fifty cents ($386,862.50) shall be transferred from Commu-nity Preservation Commission Surcharges--Undesignated, and the Treasurer, with the approval of the Select Board is authorized to borrow the sum of up to Three Hundred Thirteen Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty Seven 50/100 Dollars ($313,137.50) in accordance with Chapter 44, Section 7 of the General Laws as amended or any other enabling authority and to issue bonds or notes therefor, provided, however, that such funds shall not be transferred, borrowed and/or expended unless the Town is approved for either a LAND (Local Acquisitions for Natural Diversi-ty) Grant or/a DWSP (Drinking Water Supply Protection) Grant, as described below, from the Massachusetts Division of Conservation Services, and/or any other such sources, in the amount of at least Three Hundred Thirteen Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-Seven 50/100 Dollars ($313,137.50); (c) that the Town is authorized to acquire the said property by gift, negotiated purchase, emi-nent domain or otherwise, for conservation, passive recreation and/or water supply purposes subject to the protections of Article 97 of the Amendments of the Massachusetts Constitution; and (i) in the case of the award of a LAND Grant, upon such terms and conditions as the Con-servation Commission, with the approval of the Select Board, shall determine to be ap-propriate, and that said interests in said property be conveyed to the Town, under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8(C), as it may hereafter be amended, and other Massachusetts statutes relating to conservation, said property to be managed and controlled by the Conservation Commission; and, further, that the Select Board and/or Conservation Commission is authorized to submit on behalf of the Town any and all applications deemed necessary for grants and/or reimbursements from any state and/or federal programs in aid of conservation land acquisition, includ-ing but not limited to, all applications deemed necessary for grants and or reimburse-ments from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under the LAND Grant Program, and to receive and accept such grants and/or reimbursements for this purpose, and/or any grants or reimbursement programs in any way connected with the scope of this article, and that the Select Board and/or Conservation Commission be authorized to enter into all agreements and execute any instruments, including a grant of a perpetual conserva-tion restriction to the City of Easthampton, the Commonwealth, or a non-profit corpora-tion or trust that meets the requirements of General Laws, Chapter 184, §§31-33, as may be necessary to effect said acquisition or obtain such grant; or (ii) in the case of the award of a DWSP Grant, upon such terms and conditions as the Water Commissioners, with the approval of the Select Board, shall determine to be ap-propriate, and that said interests in said property be conveyed to the Town, under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Sections 39B and 41, as they may hereafter be amended, and other Massachusetts statutes relating to water supply and conservation purposes, said property to be managed and controlled by the Water Commissioners; and further that the Select Board and/or Water Commissioners is au-thorized to submit on behalf of the Town any and all applications deemed necessary for grants and/or reimbursements from any state and/or federal programs in aid of water supply and conservation land acquisition, including but not limited to, all applications deemed necessary for grants and or reimbursements from the DWSP Grant Program, and to receive and accept such grants and/or reimbursements for this purpose, and/or any grants or reimbursement programs in any way connected with the scope of this ar-ticle, and that the Select Board and/or Water Commissioners be authorized to enter into all agreements and execute any instruments, including a grant of a perpetual water supply and conservation restriction to the City of Easthampton, the Commonwealth, or a non-profit corporation or trust that meets the requirements of General Laws, Chapter 184, §§31-33, as may be necessary to effect said acquisition or obtain such grant. (d) to authorize the Conservation Commission, the Water Commissioners and/or the Board of Selectmen and the Town Officers to take all related actions necessary or appropriate to carry out this acquisition and grant of perpetual conservation restriction; or take any other action re-lated thereto. 2/3rds Ma-jority And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting attested copies thereof in six usual plac-es in said Town, fourteen (14) days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of the Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our hands this 6th day of June in the year Two Thousand and Seventeen. BOARD OF SELECTMEN |
Scheduled By: | Lucille Dalton |
Posted At: | Jun 06, 2017 12:56 PM EDT |
Last Modified: | Jun 06, 2017 12:56 PM EDT |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |