Agenda: | Southampton Park Commission Agenda
for May 9, 2017
6pm Site Visit at Labrie Field, Strong Road
6:30pm meeting at Conant Park Pavilion
(weather permitting)
• Attendance:
• Review of Minutes of Last Meeting:
• Pay Bills:
WMECO #54173302076 ~ $15.23 paid on 3/16/17, $15.23 paid on 4/13/17
WMECO #54450502000 ~ $39.79 paid on 3/16/17, $36.23 paid on 4/13/17
Southampton Water Department ~ $58.00 paid on 4/13/17
• Old Business:
1. Lions Club, new roof on pavilion at Conant Park, CPA funded.
2. Angel statue at Crossroads Park, new pavers. Need to discuss walkway, landscaping design and construction. Estimate from Western MA Masons.
3. Conant Park and Labrie Field, review 2017 field use applications. New swings for Conant Park are at the Highway Department, they will install them.
4. Labrie Field, parking rail fence, bulletin board & benches and other improvements. Need to discuss repairs needed to the soccer fields used by Hampshire United.
5. Sign for Crossroads Park and Labrie Field. Request $6,000.00 for signs from CPA funds. Need to update signs at Conant Park, see e-mail from Randall.
6. Community Service Projects – Hampshire Regional High School
7. Kurt Boisjolie, Strong Road land next to Labrie Field (6pm site visit)
• New Business:
1. Open Time for the Public:
2. Discussion of Club Scout Troop overnight at stay at Conant Park Pavilion
3. Discussion of spraying pesticide for ticks, see e-mail from Randall Kemp
Next meeting date: |