Information for Meeting of Economic Development Committee
Thursday May 25, 2017 5:00 PM EDT

Town:Berlin, MA 
Board:Economic Development Committee
Time:Thursday May 25, 2017 5:00 PM EDT
Location:Berlin Town Offices
23 Linden St. Berlin MA, 01503
Room 227
1.	Appointments – Mack Louh (prospective member)
2.	Review/discuss and approve minutes
3.	SURVEY: Approve cover letter, survey, labels and actual sample of what will be mailed.  Explain the postage payment process
4.	Discuss  - New England Sports Center re: advt findings
5.	Discuss ways to attract business owners to attend EDC meetings (and perhaps which businesses to personally invite) so to streamline the ease of Being a Business in Berlin
6.	Choose EDC member to attend the Bolton EDC meeting (or others)
7.	Choose next meeting date
8.	New business
9.	Future items
-Animal Hospital offer
-Prospective members: Al Collinson and Gordon Miller 
-Gift certificate
-EDC slogan
-Create To Do - Ideas list
Scheduled By:Peter Hoffman
Posted At:May 15, 2017 9:37 AM EDT
Last Modified:May 25, 2017 2:24 PM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Minutes and Associated Documents

BEDC Meeting minutes final 5-25-17.pdf  (download) 778 Kb May 09, 2018 2:12 PM EDT

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May 25, 2017 2:24 PM EDTLocation Agenda Details...