Agenda: | COA Board Meeting, January 5, 2022
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Meeting ID: 989 3453 4628
Passcode: 607990
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Meeting ID: 989 3453 4628
Passcode: 607990
1. Call meeting to order
2. Open time for the public
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Treasurer’s report
5. Friends update
6.Update from COA Director-
- Discussion of Center Operations with Covid uptick
- Memory Cafe - out reach and upcoming plans for January including Reminder or Gazette article
- Update on the open position at the Center (temporary admin.Asst. and Program Coordinator and Funding
- Program for Nursing Students from UMass
- increase of Volunteer Coordinator to $14.25/hour (minimum wage)
7. New/Old Business
- ARPA Funds
- Well-Check Care Calls
- Update on the donation to the COA by a Southampton resident
8. Any other business that cannot wait until the next meeting.
9. Schedule next meeting and adjourn |