Agenda: | 1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of Previous meeting(s)
3. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
a. FY20 Budget hearing schedule
b. Change in regular meeting dates for January
c. Legal bill - KP Law
4. New Business
a. Liquor License renewals – General Store and Winchendon Rod & Gun Club
b. DEP STEP initiative
c. Waiver of 45-day requirement for budget submission - Athol-Royalston Regional School Committee
d. Issuance of RFP for solar array on town-owned land
5. Old Business
a. Personnel Bylaw
b. Committee info booklet
6. Dept. Head Reports
a. DPW
7. Signing of Treasury Warrants
8. Any other item(s) not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting
9. Adjournment |