Agenda: | Selectmen’s Meeting June 10, 2019
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Area, 30 Martin Street
6:00 p.m. Public Comment.
Discuss the development and possible implementation of a Board policy to generally guide the issuance of entertainment licenses.
Review the possible development of a noise control bylaw to potentially be proposed at the Fall Town Meeting.
Approve the weekly warrant in the amount of $.
Approve the minutes for the Selectmen’s June 3, 2019, Open Meeting.
Consider allowing wooden demolition debris consisting of the front fence at the Town-owned property at 11 John Wise Avenue to be dismantled by volunteers and burned in the bonfire at Essex River Day, pending review of the suitability of burning these materials by the Essex Fire Department.
Items that could not be reasonably anticipated by the Open Meeting Law posting deadline. |