Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Town Caucus |
Time: | Tuesday October 18, 2016 7:00 PM EDT |
Location: | Norris School 34 Pomeroy Meadow Road SPECIAL TOWN MEETING |
Agenda: | MOTIONS STM 10/18/16 @ 7pm ADMINISTRATIVE PART I. ADMINISTRATIVE ARTICLE 1 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES CONTRACT P.I.L.O.T. CONTRACT Move the Town vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to negotiate and enter into contractual Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) agreement with CG Southampton Energy Development, LLC for a proposed approximate two (2) Megawatt capacity commercial solar energy project to be sited on leased farmland located at 41 Valley Road. Brief Explanation: Sponsor: Select Board/Assessors ARTICLE 2 CONTRACT FOR UNIFORMS CONTRACT UNIFORMS Move the Town vote to allow the Select Board to enter into a five-year contract to provide uniforms to the Highway Department. Brief Explanation: Town Meeting approval is required for the Town to enter into contracts that exceed 3 years. Sponsor: Select Board/Highway ARTICLE 3 LEASE SZCZYPTA FARM LAND LEASE Move the Town vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to negotiate and enter into a 10-year lease with Robert Fletcher for the Szczypta Farm land for the use and maintenance of the Szczypta Conservation Farm located at Glendale Road. Brief Explanation: Town Meeting approval is required for the Town to enter into an agreement/lease that exceeds 3 years. The Lease on the Szczypta Farm land with the Fletcher’s has been on-going for approximately 20 years. Increasing the duration of the lease agreement will allow the Fletchers to commit additional resources to the property. Sponsor: Select Board/ConCom PART II. GENERAL BY-LAWS ARTICLE 4 WATER HYDRANT BY-LAW HYDRANT BY-LAW Move the Town vote to amend the General By-Laws of the Town of Southampton by adding Section XXXIX, “Fire Hydrant Use,” as written below: No person(s) shall willfully open or tamper with any fire hydrant to cause damage and/or to allow water to flow on any public or private property in the Town of Southampton unless previously authorized to do so by the Water Department or Fire Chief. Each unauthorized opening/tampering of a hydrant shall constitute a separate offense; penalty shall not exceed $200 per offense. Brief Explanation: The purpose of the by-law amendment is to clarify the authority which shall allow access to the Town's public water supply. Sponsor: Board of Water Commissioners ARTICLE 5 NON-CRIMINAL TICKETING BY-LAW NON-CRIMINAL TICKETING Move the Town vote to amend the General By-Laws of the Town of Southampton by addition Section XL, “Non-Criminal Ticketing,” (as written in attachment). Brief Explanation: MGL ch. 40, Section 21D allows towns to enforce their bylaws through non-criminal disposition, which allows a town, through a designated enforcing person, to issue a violation notice or “ticket” which provides for a specific sum of money to be paid as a penalty for the violation of a local bylaw. The penalty must be paid, or a request made by the offender in writing to the district court for a hearing within 21 days following the date the ticket is written. A Town may adopt this ticketing procedure by means of an affirmative vote at Town Meeting. Without this provision, current by-laws that require enforcement in order for residents to enjoy the quality of life have not been enforced due to the cumbersome process that requires Town Officials to bring violators to court for offenses that can be handled through non-criminal ticketing. See Attachment A Sponsor: Board of Selectmen FISCAL YEAR FY-17 OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS PART I. CPC ARTICLE 6 TRANSFER/UNDESIGNATED RESERVED GREENWAY COMMITTEE Move the Town vote to transfer the amount of $37,776.00 to the Greenway Committee to fund the legal, engineering and other costs relative to the acquisition of the Greenway Project, said sums shall be taken from the Community Preservation Surcharges-Undesignated Account. Sponsor: Community Preservation ARTICLE 7 TRANSFER/HISTORIC PRESERVATION TOWN CLOCK Move the Town vote to transfer the amount of $8,400.00 to the Historic Commission to fund the restoration of the Town Clock, said sums shall be taken from the Community Preservation Historic Preservation Account. Sponsor: Community Preservation ARTICLE 8 TRANSFER/OPEN SPACE-RECREATION WILDLIFE MEMORIAL SIGN Move the Town vote to transfer the amount of $1,000.00 to fund a wildlife interpretive sign in memory of Edward Nied, Jr. to be paced at the Szczypta Farm Conservation Area, featuring wildlife photographs taken by the late Edward Nied, Jr., said sums shall be taken from the Community Preservation Open Space/Recreation Account. Sponsor: Community Preservation PART II. FY17 BUDGET LINE-ITEM TRANSFERS SECTION A. VARIOUS LINE-ITEMS ARTICLE 9 TRANSFER INSURANCE Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $8,258.22 to the Workers’ Comp line, said sums shall be taken from the Insurance-General line. Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: Worker’s Comp balance is currently negative, while there is a positive balance in General Insurance—Transfer will clear up negative. General Insurance Balance is $10,837. Sponsor: Town Administrator ARTICLE 10 TRANSFER STANDBY FIRE WAGES Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $37,900 to the EMT Standby line, said sums shall be taken from the Ambulance Receipts Reserved for Appropriation. Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: For the FY17 budget, EMT wages were calculated at $50/night on-call, times two employees. After Annual Town Meeting, the Board voted to continue paying at the rate of $100/night on-call, times two employees. This modification requires 2 times the amount appropriated. At this rate of pay, the current line-item will be depleted come the end of December 2016. The funds would be taken from Ambulance Receipts Reserved for Appropriation, which has a current Balance of $64,284.98. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen SECTION B. OPERATING STABLIZATION ARTICLE 11 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION PHOTOCOPIER/PAPER Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $1,500 to the Photocopier Lease and Supplies line, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: Contract entered into with new photocopier company after the warrant for annual town meeting had closed ($3000). New company paid off old printer, increasing estimated annual cost for buyout. Need additional funds for paper and $500 for contract overage. Photocopier Lease/Supplies Line Balance is currently $2,434. Allocating additional funds to the line will bring the balance to $4,500 allowing for sufficient funds for the copier and paper purchases. See Attachment B Sponsor: Town Administrator ARTICLE 12 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION CONSULTANT FEES Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $5,000 to create a new Select Board Consultant line, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: Creation of a new account line to provide expenses to enlist the assistance of a consultant in the hiring process of the next Town Administrator. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 13 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION POLICE CHIEF SALARY Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $3,200 to the Police Chief Salary line, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: Select Board negotiated a contract with the Police Chief to provide a salary for $95k, the budget is currently funded at $91,800. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 14 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION BUILDING COMMISSIONER SALARY Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $15,104 to the Building Commissioner Salary line, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: The Building Commissioner has been consistently working 40 hours per week since employed and has been compensated at 31 hours/salary. An increase at the current hourly rate, $32.15/hour at 9 hours additional/week would put the position at $67,123/year. Building Inspector Salary Line for FY17 is: 52,020. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 15 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION TOWN ACCOUNTANT SALARY Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $5,608 to the Town Accountant Salary line, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: Pay increase of $3.58 per hour for 30 hours/week. The increase would make the salary $44,393. Town Accountant Salary Line for FY17 is: $38,785.20. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 16 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION POLICE DEPT. ADMIN Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $6,656 to create a new Police Admin Wage line, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: Creation of Police Department Administrative Assistant line-item to fund an admin Jan 1st-June 30th at 16 hours per week for 26 weeks at just under $16/hour. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 17 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION SHORT-TERM DISABILITY Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $15,000 to create a new Short-Term Disability Insurance line, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: This would create a new line-item to allow for the coverage of Short-Term Disability Insurance through a third party carrier. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 18 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION HVAC LIBRARY CONSULTING FEE Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $6,800 for consulting services related to the HVAC system for Library procurement process, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: This will cover the cost of consulting services for the procurement of HVAC project at the library. Sponsor: Capital Improvement Committee/Library ARTICLE 19 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION PRIOR YEAR BILL Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $77.48 to pay prior year bills from FY16 to Ben Meadows for disposable gloves, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 9/10ths Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: See Attachment C. Sponsor: Highway Superintendent ARTICLE 20 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION PRIOR YEAR BILL Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $7,834.34 to pay prior year bills from FY16 to MHQ for Cruiser Accessories, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization. Requires 9/10ths Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: See Attachment D. Sponsor: Police Chief/Accountant SECTION C. CAPITAL STABLIZATION ARTICLE 21 TRANSFER/CAPITAL STABILIZATION HVAC LIBRARY Move the Town vote to transfer the sum of $20,000 to purchase HVAC system for Library, said sums shall be taken from the Capital Stabilization. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: TBD Brief Explanation: The Library was funded for $47,000 for the HVAC project. The cost of the HVAC controls is $38,881 and the cost of the AC replacement is $27,899; totaling $66,780. This appropriation will allow for the upgrade of the HVAC controls and AC. Sponsor: Capital Improvement Committee/Library |
Scheduled By: | Lucille Dalton |
Posted At: | Aug 17, 2016 1:53 PM EDT |
Last Modified: | Oct 13, 2016 2:48 PM EDT |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Finance Committee | Norris School | 5:30 PM | Details... |
Selectboard | Norris School Library | 6:00 PM | Details... |
Date | Changes | |
Oct 13, 2016 2:48 PM EDT | Agenda | Details... |