Agenda: | Important Notice: Following the Governor's reopening plan, effective May 29, 2021, this meeting will be conducted in person with public in attendance. All fully vaccinated persons may attend without a mask or maintaining social distance. Unvaccinated persons are expected to wear a mask and continue social distancing from non-household members.
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of previous meeting(s)
• 10/5/2021
• 9/16/2021
3. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
A. Discuss MIIA request to provide quote for insurance needs for the town.
4. Dept. Head Reports
A. Keith R. Newton - Request building permit waiver for Public Safety Building 2/4 Athol Road.
B. Keith R. Newton - Information from Otis Elevator monthly inspection contract.
5. New Business
A. Consideration of designating School Committee Members as Special Municipal Employees
B. Appointment to Cable Advisory Committee - Peter Gagliardi, Rick Martin and Chris Haynes.
C. Update on Royalston internet project:
• Release of state grant.
• Vote to initiate the licensing process for Charter.
• Sign request for waiver of initial publication requirements.
D. Sign sewer commitment letter.
E. Planning of Special Town meeting.
F. Employment application review for Building Custodian.
6. Old Business
A. Discuss and vote on consolidating Royalston into one voting precinct – Barbara Richardson, Town Clerk.
B. Review of draft MART guidelines – Chris Long.
7. General Budget review
8. General Bylaw review
9. Signing of Treasury Warrants (if applicable)
10. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
11. Executive Session – MGL c. 30A, § 21 Reason #3: to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body and the chair so declares. The Board will not reconvene in open session. |