Agenda: | Southampton School Committee
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Richard Dragon Library-William E. Norris School
6:00 p.m. Public Meeting
I.Call to Order- Jill Phelan, Chair
II.Routine Matters
A. Approval of minutes:
B. Circulation of Warrants
C. Visitors:
D. Tiger Talk
E. Correspondence
F. Other –
III. Principal’s Report
IV. Superintendent
V. Budget
A. Net School Spending
B. FY 2015
1. Current Status
2. Line Item Transfers
3. Additional Town Funds
C. STM – Tuesday, January 20, 2015
D. FY 2016 – Level Services
V. Projection
VI. Items Requiring Action
VII. Policy
A. Staff Social Media (Second Reading)
B. Acceptable Use Policy (Second Reading)
VIII. New Business
IX. Reports
C. School council
D. Hampshire Regional School Committee
E. Administrative Advisory
X. MGL Chapter 30, 21A(2) Executive Session: Preparation for negotiations and Collective Bargaining with Teachers and Paraprofessionals
XI. Ongoing Items
1. Registration forms
2. After School Care 2015-2016
3. Calendar – vacation/snow options
XII. Adjourn – Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 |