Agenda: | October 21, 2019
Selectmen's Meeting
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Stage Conference Area, 30 Martin Street
6:00 p.m.
Public Comment.
6:15 p.m.
Savoie Nolan Architects to discuss proposed renovations to the structure at 175
Conomo Point Road.
6:30 p.m.
Public Hearing regarding Great Marsh Brewery's request for a Farmers Series Pouring Permit.
Quarterly Department Heads Meeting
8:00 p.m.
Further discussion relative to the Fall Town Meeting with the Finance Committee
as necessary.
8:30 p.m.
BB Botanics to discuss proposed pathway toward Host Community Agreement.
Brendhan Zubricki: Presentation of his Town Administrator's Report for the period October 5th,
2019 through October 18th, 2019, regarding the following:
Summary of Filed Sub-bids for New Public Safety Facility
Status of Plans for Line Striping and Signage in Downtown Area
Possible Agreement with Ipswich for Street Light Conversion & Maintenance
Possible Acquisition of Apple Street Parcel/Rights at Future Town Meeting
Approve the weekly warrant in the amount of $.
Vote to exempt from Section 20 of Chapter 268A of the General Laws, the contracts and amounts for the individuals listed below contained within the 10/10/2019 warrant pursuant to subsection (d) of said Section.
Ernie Nieberle Nieberle's 09/24/2019 $ 181.00 Police
Ernie Nieberle Nieberle's 09/24/2019 $ 50.00 Fire
Ernie Nieberle Nieberle's 09/24/2019 $ 113.00
Vote to exempt from Section 20 of Chapter 268A of the General Laws, the contracts and amounts for the individuals listed below contained within the 10/17/2019 warrant pursuant to subsection (d) of said Section.
Ernie Nieberle Nieberle's 09/24/2019 $ 632.26 Highway
Approve the minutes for the Selectmen's October 7, 2019, Open Meeting and Executive Session.
Vote to approve the continued closure of the Ripple Restaurant, to reopen March 1, 2020
Vote to accept and sign the retiree health insurance renewal pricing for calendar
year 2020
Vote to accept a gift from the Essex Lions Club of an iPod Touch to the Essex Youth Commission
Vote to approve and sign a contract between the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the Town for the Local Cultural Council Allocation for the Desex Cultural Council in the amount of $4,800.
Consider filling out the absentee ballot for the November 6, 2019 MPO Election
Consider contract amendments with project management firm NV5 and architectural firm Johnson Roberts Associates for the construction administration phase of the public safety facility project
Review a communication from Chief Francis advising that Pickering Street, Winthrop Street, and Maple Street will be closed to traffic on Thursday, October 31 between the hours of 5 and 8 pm.
Fall Town Meeting:
Vote to include the articles as they appear on the October 21, 2019 draft warrant, for the November 18, 2019 Fall Town Meeting, or as revised:
Vote to close the warrant;
Vote to approve the warrant;
Vote to sign the warrant at or outside of a meeting (if revisions are necessary),
Conomo Point Matters: Status of offers to purchase the Town's vacant lot at 0
Sumae Drive, Map 110, Lot 7.
Consider the replacement of the Centennial Grove sign, either with the same
design or with some other design
Review and possibly approve a contract amendment with Covanta for solid waste
disposal services, contingent upon the Fall Town Meeting moving funds from the
DPW's contracted services line item to the appropriate Town personnel wage line
Consider a suggestion for a process that could assist with the formulation of an outdoor entertainment noise policy,
Discuss the formation of a committee to negotiate with the proponent of a proposed retail marijuana dispensary at the corner of Eastern Avenue and Harlow Street with respect to a Host Community Agreement.
Discussion concerning automated collection of boat launching fees on weekdays for non-residents, and whether the existing fee should be changed.
Items that could not be reasonably anticipated by the Open Meeting Law posting deadline
The next regular Board of Selectmen's meeting will take place on Monday, November 4, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in the 2nd floor Stage Conference area of the Town Hall on Martin Street.
There will be a public hearing held by the Zoning Board of Appeals on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, in the 3rd Floor Auditorium of the Town Hall
regarding the Great Marsh Brewery's request for a larger sign at the brewery on Main Street.
The Fall Town Meeting will be held in the cafeteria at the Essex Elementary School on Story Street on Monday, November 18, 2019, starting at 7:30 p.m.