Town: | Templeton, MA |
Board: | Planning Board |
Time: | Tuesday January 10, 2017 6:00 PM EST |
Location: | Narragansett Regional School Cafeteria 460 Baldwinville Rd., Baldwinville, MA |
Agenda: | MEETING NOTICE FOR TEMPLETON PLANNING BOARD To be held at Narragansett Regional Middle School 460 Baldwinville Rd, Baldwinville, Ma 01436 Cafeteria MEETING DATE: January 10, 2017, 6:00 PM AGENDA SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS: 06:00 Pledge of Allegiance 06:01 Planning Board to review the sale of a parcel of land, currently under Chapter 61, to see if the land has any public purpose. The town has the right of first refusal in regards to Chapter 61 lands. 06:15 Templeton Master Plan Public Forum. A brief presentation of the final draft Master Plan will be made at this forum followed by an opportunity for comments. 06:15 Welcome John Hume, MRPC 06:20 Brief Power Point Presentation of Draft Templeton Master Plan 06:30 Opportunity for Public Comment/Input 06:50 Next Steps 07:30 Adjournment . __________________________________________ FORM(s) FOR SIGNATURE: DISCUSSION SUBJECTS: ____ ______________________________________________________________________ NEW BUSINESS: _____________________________________________________________________________ PACKET CONTENTS: TIME FRAMES BUILDOUT / ENDORSEMENTS / 3 YR DEADLINE / EXTENSION / SECURITIES French Quarters 4/18/06 4/18/10 5/18/2016 Bond expired 5/18/17 STORM WATER ANNUAL INSPECTION APPROVAL DATE NEXT ANNUAL INSPECTION Fletcher Associates – Gravel Pit 10-13-2009 10-2016 (Hicks) Gavin Road – Gravel Pit 10-11-2011 10-2016 Radigan - Gravel Pit 03-27-2012 08-2016 Typed by: Carl Giacobone Subject to Change |
Scheduled By: | Carol Rice |
Posted At: | Jan 05, 2017 9:01 AM EST |
Last Modified: | Jan 05, 2017 9:01 AM EST |
Minutes: | Minutes are on record with the Town Clerk's office |