Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Park Commission |
Time: | Wednesday September 15, 2021 6:00 PM EDT |
Location: | Town Hall 210 College Hwy break room |
Agenda: | Southampton Park Commission Agenda for September 15, 2021 6:00pm meeting at Town Hall, break room MASKS ARE REQUIRED AT THIS MEETING • Attendance: • Review of Minutes of Meeting for 3/25, 5/6, 6/16, 6/30, 7/27 & 8/18/2021 • Pay Bills: • Old Business: 1. Updates on Pickleball Courts construction by HM Nunes & pre-construction meeting on 9/14/2021 at 9am. 2. Angel statue at Crossroads Park, no updates on new pavers. Western MA Masons preparing a plan for additional pavers & walkway and construction. 3. Conant Park and Labrie Field, field use applications and payments, payment received to date is $3,242.00. Discussion on updating Playing Field and Facility Permit Policy & user fees to add section on approval from the Park Commission before any user groups proposing to line playing fields & times of games. 4. Labrie Field House continue discussion with Bill Canon on construction of field house foundation, septic system, & concrete pads. Irrigation System (install well) and Field Repairs. Additional needs are: a parking rail fence, bulletin board & benches and other improvements. 4. Update on delivery on new sign for Crossroads Park and Labrie Field, 29 Strong Road address. $6,000.00 for signs from CPA funds. New Dog signs, $32.00 each. Update from Dan. 5. Master Plan Implementation Committee. 6. Open Space & Recreational Committee, update from Paula or Dan. 7. COVID 19 updates and use of COVID funds. Care Act ($3,350.00 available) $1,650.00 paid for new signage. Install electric hand dryers in the restrooms at pavilion. 8. New Playground Equipment at Conant Park, request CPA monies for new project. 9. Grant application has been filed with State. • New Business: 1. Adding nets to backstops at Conant Park. 2. Open Time for the Public. Next meeting date: |
Scheduled By: | Dylan Mawdsley |
Posted At: | Sep 09, 2021 7:40 PM EDT |
Last Modified: | Sep 09, 2021 7:40 PM EDT |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |