Agenda: | 1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of previous meetings
3. FY19 Budget and ATM review & signing of warrant
4. Acknowledgements, announcements, correspondence
a. CDBG grant extension contract signing
b. Town Hall Use app – Royalston Shakespeare Co.
c. C2 Energy Net Metering Amendment and bonus
d. Railroad pesticide application notice
e. Proclamation
5. Department Head Reports
a. Keith Newton, DPW
1. Signing of easement affidavit for N Fitzwilliam over Lawrence Brook
2. Re-purposing PD vehicle
3. New Employee hire
4. Emergency Generator at new Village School
5. Riverside Cemetery work
6. Capital Planning Recommendations
7. New Business
a. Ceremony details
8. Any other item(s) not reasonably
anticipated 48 hours prior to such
9. Adjournment |