Agenda: | Mary Calandrella is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Planning Board
Time: Apr 21, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Planning Board Regular Meeting
Wednesday April 21, 2021 6:30 pm Remote Meeting
- Order and exact times of agenda items may vary at the Board’s discretion (with the exception of public hearings which cannot start prior to the scheduled time)
- Agenda items are those reasonably anticipated by the chairman 48 hours prior to meeting. VOTES MAY BE TAKEN.
- Documents submitted for review can be found under the Planning Board tab on the Town website
- The meeting is being recorded. The recorded minutes will be the official record, but written minutes will be prepared for easier reference to the topics covered and actions taken
- As this is a remote meeting, please keep your microphone on mute unless you have been invited by the chairman to speak. When the floor is open for public comment, please raise your hand using the feature provided in ZOOM and wait until you are recognized by the Chairman to speak.
- As this is a remote meeting, those appearing before the Board shall be prepared to SHARE THEIR SCREEN to present materials for discussion.
1. Call meeting to order, Agenda Approval
2. Chairman Comments, Vice Chairman Comments; State of Emergency – Covid19 Legislation - amended by Chapter 201, November 10, 2020.
3.7:00pm Open Discussion/Public Comment
4.7:15pm ANR Applications (submitted 10 days prior, in order of submission) a. Far Hills/Bluefield Road 46-62 continuation
5. Other/New Business:
6. Old Business:
a. Subdivision Updates:
b. Change of Use 84 - Main Street
7. Bylaw Amendments
a.Surface Water Protection changes to comply with DEP and Wetlands and Watershed Protection District:
a. Abutting Town Hearing/Decision Notices
b. Other Town Boards/Committees
c. Other Correspondence
9. Administrative Matters
a. Planning Board forms / town website
b. House Numbers
c. Town Election, Town Meeting
10.Approval of Meeting Minutes
11 Next meeting: Wednesday May 12, 2021
Adjourn |