Agenda: | Topic: Special Joint Meeting between Local Southampton School Committee & Southampton Board of Health
Time: Friday February 5, 2021 at 5:00 pm
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Call to Order
Local Southampton School Committee Southampton Board of Health
Chair Jon Lumbra Chair Rebecca Dubay
Ongoing Business
A. Review COVID-19 data and circumstances for possible change in learning model
B. Discussion of coordination with Board of Health
i. Review of Proposed “Southampton COVID-19 Case Management”
ii. Consideration of an additional Tracer similar to the Town of Northampton approach to specifically addressing the schools. (Funding Source Schools)
New Business
A. “Data & Policy to Guide Opening Schools Safely to Limit the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 Infection” Margaret A. Honein, PhD; Lisa C. Barrios, DrPH; John T. Brooks, MD Published January 26, 2021
B. Two enhancements to the current COVID-19 mitigation plans that would potentially increase the security and safety of the school community.
i. provide testing, either pooled samples or rapid antigen tests, specifically focused on teachers and staff;
ii. increase mask efficiency, specifically focused on teachers and staff.
C. Discussion related to lifting the 6 Foot policy put in place in August.
i. What if any process would be entertain and what would it look like.
Next Regular Meeting Wednesday February 24, 2021 |