Virtual Zoom Meeting Please note that due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak and due to Governor Baker’s Order that Town Hall is closed to the public in regards to public meetings of the Southampton Housing Authority unless otherwise postponed or cancelled. Otherwise they will livestream Southampton Housing Authority meetings via Zoom on the internet. In person attendance and Public Comment at Southampton Housing Authority Meetings will be suspended until further notice.
To Join Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 943 4030 9600
Passcode: 156219
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
1. Call meeting to order
2. Approval of December minutes
3. Katy Lacy (MA Housing Partnership) to discuss: Southampton zoning and affordable housing
4. Review of town-owned lots not reserved for agriculture or protected for conservation
5. Discussion on 2010 Southampton Housing Market Study
6. Janet: report back on Grant research results
7. Jim report back on MOU for use of CARES Act funding - spending extended to 12/31/21!
8. Brian sharing: MA municipal trusts Guide Book
9. Jim and Janet report back on: MHP (MA Housing Partnership) Conference
10. Schedule next meeting
11. Adjourn |