Agenda: | Please note that due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak and due to Governor Baker’s Order, the Town Hall is closed to the public. Board of Health meetings will be livestreamed via Zoom on the internet or via Public Access TV on Charter/Spectrum Channel 191. In person attendance and Public Comment at Board of Health meetings will be suspended until further notice. Prior to the meeting the public may email a written public comment.
Topic: By-laws Committee meeting 03-31-2021
Time: Mar 31, 2021 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: 932389
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Meeting ID: 987 4659 8180
Passcode: 932389
1. Call meeting to order
2. Public Comment, if any
3. Approve minutes of 3/24/21
4. Update status of drafts submitted for feedback from various committees
5. Review revisions/finalize draft Soliciting bylaw
6. Discuss request to Capital Improvement Committee for e360 software purchase
7. Plan public meeting and feedback methods re: Soliciting, Building Numbering and Nuisance draft bylaws
8. Other business that cannot wait until next scheduled meeting
9. Schedule next meeting
10. Adjourn |