Agenda: | Important Notice: Following the Governor's reopening plan, effective May 29, 2021, this meeting will be conducted in person with public in attendance.
All fully vaccinated persons may attend without a mask or maintaining social distance. Unvaccinated persons are expected to wear a mask and continue social distancing from non-household members.
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of previous meeting(s)
• 11/2/2021
3. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
A. Meeting to inspect the Town Dump Road Landfill by the DEP at the Transfer Station, Thursday, November 18th – at least one SB member to be appointed as an attendee.
B. Review of a possible purchase of a parcel of land in Royalston by the Department of Fish and Game.
4. Dept. Head Reports
5. New Business
A. South Village Tree lighting application Review - Royalston Cultural Council & RSVR.
B. Clarify SOP around facilities use.
6. Old Business
A. Review of MART Ride Service Guidelines.
B. Update on events calendar.
7. General Budget review
8. General Bylaw review
9. Signing of Treasury Warrants (if applicable).
10. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
A. Discuss permission to add a trailer on private property located at 110 Athol Rd.
11. Adjournment. |