Agenda: | 1. Call to Order
2. Open Time for the Public
3. Approval of May minutes
4. Update of the Friends
5. Reports from Director, Treasurer, Highland Valley Board, Volunteer Coordinator
6. By laws change - particular attention to Treasurer's responsibilities.
7. Goals for next year
Increase membership
8. Election of officers
9. End of year budget;
10. Next year’s budget - FY 19 State Forumula Grant Projections - State Budget ($12.00 per senior)
11. MCOA reminders - June is Alzheimer's awareness month: Go4Life Family Fun Walk RFP for September
12. How can we apply for CPA funds?
13. PCF reminder for change of hours/Director FY '19
13.. Any other items that cannot wait until the next meeting.
14.. Schedule July's meeting & Adjourn |