Agenda: | Important Notice: Pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, and the Governor’s March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of Royalston’s Select Board will be conducted entirely via remote access. Specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public are explained on our website's calendar at
1. Call To Order
2. Minutes of previous meetings: 11-4-20
3. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
A. Logging Trucks on Butterworth Road
4. Dept. Head Reports
A. Broadband Committee Update
5. New Business
A. Review of 40N Sewer Commission
B. Town Accountant search
6. Old Business
A. Elevator Update
7. Signing of Treasury Warrants (if applicable)
8. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
9. Vote to enter into Executive Session Reason #3. To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares. The Board will not reconvene in open session. |