Agenda: | Posted 11/2/2020; 1:45 PM
Special Meeting
Wednesday November 4, 2020
6:00 pm via Zoom
Topic: Special Local Southampton School Committee
Time: Wednesday November 3, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 7957 3776
Passcode: 130057
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I. Call to Order
A. Chair Jon Lumbra
II. Routine Matters:
A. Correspondence
1. Receive report from BG Mechanical Thursday (11/05/2020)
2. Review impact of full return on current bussing restrictions. (11/04/2020)
3. Receive Survey results for grade level specific questions that will have been sent to all parents/guardians. (11/05/2020)
III. Old Business
A. Evaluate the status of the impact of having all K & 1 St back in the school. (11/05/2020)
B. Confirm that the committee willing to continue to bring grades 2 and above back at the 4.5 foot distance. Vote needed prior to 11/20/2020. (11/05/2020)
C. Receive update on the current Norris application to the town for $186,591 of the $540,000 accumulative CARES funding that the town was awarded. (11/04/2020)
IV. New Business
A. Other
V. Executive Session
A. MGL Chapter 30, 21A(3): To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation. (11/04/2020)
B. MGL Chapter 30, 21A(2): Negotiations and Collective Bargaining with Teachers (11/05/2020)
VI. Adjourn
A. Next Meeting Thursday November 5, 2020 “Special” (If Needed, see below)
Special Notice: If all items are not resolved on Wednesday night the Committee will adjourn for the evening and resume on Thursday November 5, 2020 at 6:00 pm. |