Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Agricultural Commission |
Time: | Thursday January 17, 2019 7:00 PM EST |
Location: | Town Hall-1st fl mtg rm 210 College Hwy |
Agenda: | 1. Review minutes from March 26, 2018 meeting 2. Open time for public 3. Right to Farm signs. -a. Design. -b. Quote. -c. Funds. 4. Open Meeting Law forms completed? 5. 61A Law updates on possible revisions? -a. Senator Don Humason -b. Other contacts 6. New Business – 7. Does anyone need more flyers to promote agriculture in Southampton? 8. Motion to adjourn. |
Scheduled By: | Marla Hanc |
Posted At: | Jan 14, 2019 10:37 PM EST |
Last Modified: | Feb 25, 2019 9:27 PM EST |
Minutes: | Minutes are on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Open Space Committee | Town Hall-1st fl mtg rm | 6:00 PM | Details... |