Agenda: | Revised Reposted 2/1/19; 12:00 PM
Hampshire Regional High School Library
Monday, February 4, 2019
6:30 PM General Session
I. Call to Order – Carl Schlerman, Chair
II. 2020 Preliminary Budget Hearing
III. Selection of a Municipal Representative for Negotiations
Pursuant to 603 CMR 41.04 (attached)
IV. Resolution in Support of Full Funding for Our Public Schools
V. Routine Matters
1. Approval of minutes – January 7, 2019
2. Visitors
3. Circulation of warrants
4. Announcements
5. Student Report
6. HREA Teacher Report
7. Principal’s Report
8. Superintendent’s Report
9. Central Office Funding - Presentation/Share
VI. Budget
1. FY 2019 Budget
2. Capital Plan – (As Needed)
VII. Policy
1. Policy EFD - Food Services Accounts (2nd Read)
2. Data Retention - Info Share
VIII. Items Requiring Action
1. Senior Breakfast
2. Equipment Disposal - Food Processor
3. Out of state field trip - National Museum of Mathematics, New York City
IX. Correspondence
X. Discussion of Reports
XI. Executive Session: MGL Chapter 30, 21A(2): Negotiations and Collective Bargaining with Teachers
XII. Adjournment
Next meeting: Monday, March 4, 2019 |