Agenda: | Important Notice: Following the Governor's reopening plan, effective May 29, 2021, this meeting will be conducted in person with public in attendance. All fully vaccinated persons may attend without a mask or maintaining social distance. Unvaccinated persons are expected to wear a mask and continue social distancing from non-household members.
1. Call To Order
2. Minutes of previous meeting(s)8/18/21
3. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
4. Dept. Head Reports
A. Update on Building Maintenance Issues - Keith R. Newton, DPW Superintendent
B. Discuss Road repair of damage from July 18, 2021 storm – Keith R. Newton, DPW & Jim Barclay, REMA
C. Permit fee price increase - Geoff Newton, Building Inspector
D. E-City online building permit company closure - Geoff Newton, Building Inspector
5. New Business
A. Decision re: A&E Environmental-Deb
B. Building committee Request re: Whitney Hall - Roland/Chris
C. July KP Law bill for approval
D. FY 2022 Appointments
6. Old Business
A. MART Proposal - Gary Winitzer
7. General Bylaw review
A. Proposed Bylaw Change re: Annual Town Meeting - Deb
8. Signing of Treasury Warrants (if applicable)
10. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
11. Adjournment. |