Agenda: | Be advised this meeting will be audio and video taped.
*Pledge of Allegiance*
Call Meeting to Order
7:00 p.m. Jennifer Goldson, Housing Production Plan – to be voted by the
Board of Selectmen and Planning Board
8:00 p.m. Mike Brogan, Run and Gun Ranch, 123 Seekonk Street
9:00 p.m. Catherine Troutman, Discuss 75 Cleveland Street
Report of Warrants
- The following warrants have been signed:
9/29/17 - #07P18/07PS18/07SA18 for $754,756.22; 10/3/17 - #14V18 for $1,315,768.43; and 10/3/17 - #14VS18 for $75,445.23.
Action Items
- Please reaffirm the appointment of Anne Marie Duggan as the Treasurer-Collector.
- Please consider awarding the Joint Salt Bid with the Town of Medfield to Eastern Minerals – CC Salt at $45.20/ton and Mid-American Salt LLC – CC Salt at $51.44/ton, as alternate.
- Please review the Fall Town Meeting warrant and consider changes.
Discussion Items
- Review of Public Safety Building
Please consider approving the following minutes: August 15, 2017; September 12, 2017; and September 28, 2017 – regular and executive session.