Agenda: | 1. Call to order
2. 6:30 pm - Conference call re: WWTP loan
3. Acknowledgements, announcements, correspondence
4. Department Head Reports
5. 7:30 - Shoul-Suyenaga letter re: schools
6. Old Business: 7:45 - a. NGRID ole Hearings Butterworth Rd, Davis Hill Rd, Elm Avenue, Stewart Rd
b. VERIZON & NGRID - Athol Road
c. 8:00 pm - Wired West Resolution
d. CDBG Grant - MRPC or Kevin Flynn
e. Chap. 90 vote corrections - The Common: $233,123.90; Doane Hill: $26,590.57
7. New Business:
a. Appointments: Historic District Commission, Cultural Council, Building Committee, Broadband Committee
b. Alchol Licenses
c. Class II Dealers Licenses
d. Town Hall outdoor electrical outlet
e. Risa Richardson, Village School: Use of Town Hall
8. Any other item(s) not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to such meeting
9. Adjournment |