Agenda: | Please note -
This meeting will be televised and recorded.
Call Meeting to order
Sign vouchers
Review to accept September 8 and June 9 Meeting Minutes
Tennis court Vandalism
--Pat Snead, Advisory Board Representative, coming at 7:30pm to explain Financing issues and to answer any questions (15 minutes)
Security light(s) at Pond Street pavilion request
Capital items requested for Spring Town Meeting
-one item for consideration: Security system for fields/park
Men's Softball use of closed field
Gazebo update
Town Hill Bench update
-set criteria by November meeting for bench plaques so it can be advertised in brochure
CPC Updates
Rockwood Rd Park
NCL Picnic tables
Town Pond
NCTV Space at School
Kids Place Deed
Next brochure
Norfolk Wrentham Basketball update
2015 Red Sox tickets
2014-2015 advertisement expenditures such as:
-TPA Friends
-KP Basketball
-KP Hall of Fame
Field updates-fall plans
Commission Secretary position request
Televised Recreation Meetings
Reminder- Town Meeting Nov. 18
Set next Recreation Commission meeting date |