Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Town Caucus |
Time: | Tuesday January 20, 2015 7:00 PM EST |
Location: | Norris School 34 Pomeroy Meadow Road Cafeteria |
Agenda: | WARRANT SPECIAL TOWN MEETING FISCAL YEAR 2015 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, SS. TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2015 AT 7:00 PM CAFETERIA/GYMNASIUM WILLIAM E. NORRIS SCHOOL 34 POMEROY MEADOW RD SOUTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS To the Constables of the Town of Southampton, in said County: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Southampton, qualified to vote on Town affairs, to meet at William E. Norris Elementary School, located at 34 Pomeroy Meadow Road, in said Southampton on Tuesday, January 20th next, at seven in the evening, then and there to act on the following articles: FISCAL YEAR FY-15 BUDGET Article 1. Transfer/FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to Transfer the sum of $5,376 to supplement the Winter Expenses account, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Required by Law to meet last year’s appropriation for Winter Wages & Expenses in order to deficit spend in these line-items. In FY14, we appropriated $120,980 for Winter Expenses. In FY15, we appropriated $115,605 for Winter Expenses. This put’s the Town under its FY14 Appropriation. With the requested $6,000 increase, the Town will be above last year’s appropriation ($120,981) and be allowed to deficit spend this line-item if needed.] (Inserted at request of the Town Accountant) Article 2. Transfer/FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to Transfer the sum of $13,534 to supplement the Winter Wages account, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Required by Law to meet last year’s appropriation for Winter Wages & Expenses in order to deficit spend in these line-items. In FY14, we appropriated $126,912 for Winter Wages. In FY15, we appropriated $113,379 for Winter Wages. This put’s the Town under its FY14 Appropriation. With the requested $13,534 increase, the Town will be above last year’s appropriation ($126,913) and be allowed to deficit spend this line-item if needed.] (Inserted at request of the Town Accountant) Article 3. Transfer/FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to Transfer the sum of $5,029 to supplement the Insurance General account, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: The FY15 amounts were higher than the past year. We currently have a deficit of $5,028.64] (Inserted at request of the Town Accountant) Article 4. Transfer/FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to Transfer the sum of $20,708 to supplement the Unemployment Compensation account, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Rectify negative balance. We have had numerous unemployment claims this year and they have exceeded our originally budgeted amount of $8,000.] (Inserted at request of the Town Accountant) Article 5. Transfer/FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to Transfer the sum of $12,000 to the Elementary School account for a water heater purchase, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: We are currently under Net-School Spending ($5,309,041) by approx. $176,109. This transfer will begin to close the gap.] (Inserted at request of the Board of Selectmen) Article 6. Transfer/ FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $30,000 to the Public Safety Feasibility Account to fund the purchase of 6/10ths acre of land (the Bray Property) for the purpose of an adjacent area to install a septic system for the Public Safety Complex, which abuts the area currently owned by the Town and occupied by the Town Hall (Larrabee Building) and the Fire Station, said funds shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash, or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: This article was originally on the STM in October and was Passed over because we discovered we couldn’t use CPA funds on this project. We have a Purchase & Sales Agreement open until the end of the Fiscal Year.] (Inserted at request of Public Safety Complex) Article 7. Transfer /FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $4,000 to the Public Safety Feasibility Account to cover legal costs related to the purchase of the Bray Property, said funds shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash, or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: This article was originally on the STM in October and was Passed over because we discovered we couldn’t use CPA funds on this project. We have a Purchase & Sales Agreement open until the end of the Fiscal Year.] (Inserted at request of Public Safety Complex) Article 8. Transfer / FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to Transfer the sum of $28 to Larrabee Renovations, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Fix Negative Balance carried forward.] (Inserted at request of the Town Accountant) Article 9. Transfer/ FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $178,865 to Capital Stabilization, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Capital Stabilization, 35% of Free Cash transferred in consistency with Free Policy adopted by the BOS.] (Inserted at request of the Board of Selectmen) Requires 2/3rds Vote Article 10. Transfer/FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $153,312 to Operating Stabilization, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Operating Stabilization, 30% of Free Cash transferred in consistency with Free Policy adopted by the BOS.] (Inserted at request of the Board of Selectmen) Requires 2/3rds Vote Article 11. Transfer/ FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $51,104 to OPEB, said sums shall be taken from FY14 Free Cash; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB), 10% of Free Cash transferred in consistency with Free Policy adopted by the BOS.] (Inserted at request of the Board of Selectmen) FISCAL YEAR FY-15 APPROPRIATIONS Article 12. Transfer/FY14 Free Cash (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $75,000 to supplement the Norris School account, said sums shall be taken from Vocational Tuition; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: We are currently under Net-School Spending ($5,309,041) by approx.. $176,109. This transfer will begin to close the gap..] (Inserted at request of the Board of Selectmen) Article 13. Transfer of Funds/Building Inspector Salary (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $3,500 to supplement the Building Inspection Expenses account, said sums shall be taken from Building Inspector Salary; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Rectify negative balance, Funds were intended as salaries but paid out of expenses because paid as 1099 employees. Need to replenish account and take from originally intended location, Building Wages.] (Inserted at request of Town Accountant) Article 14. Transfer of Funds/Building Inspector Salary (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $3,664 to supplement the Reserve account, said sums shall be taken from Building Inspector Salary; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Rectify negative balance, Funds were intended as salaries but paid out of expenses because paid as 1099 employees. Need to replenish reserve fund. Had taken funds out to cover overage on Expense Line.] (Inserted at request of Town Accountant) _______________________________________________________________________________________ FISCAL YEAR FY-15 OTHER Article 15. Transfer/Water Enterprise Fund (FY15) To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $3,038.00 to pay prior year bills from FY14 to Gary Swanson, P.E., said sums shall be taken from the Water Enterprise Retained Earnings; or take any action related thereto. [NOTE: Passed over at STM in October because Water Enterprise Retained Earnings were not yet certified by DOR.] (Inserted at request of the Water Commissioners) Requires 9/10ths Vote This Page is Intentionally Left Blank This Page is Intentionally Left Blank And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at six usual places in said Town, fourteen days at least, before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our hands this 30th day of December in the year two thousand and fourteen. BOARD OF SELECTMEN |
Scheduled By: | Scott Szczebak |
Posted At: | Dec 03, 2014 8:08 AM EST |
Last Modified: | Jan 06, 2015 11:49 AM EST |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Finance Committee | Norris School Cafeteria/Auditorium | 6:30 PM | Details... |
Date | Changes | |
Jan 05, 2015 4:13 PM EST | Agenda | Details... |
Jan 06, 2015 11:49 AM EST | Agenda | Details... |