Agenda: | To Join Zoom Meeting
Call in 646 558 8656 or 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 841 4141 9086
Password: 01364
Open Meeting
1. Introduction of new commission members
2. Review and approve Minutes from November 12, 2019 Meeting
3. Introduction of Alec Wade - support he may be able to offer on various projects and programs. He will go over the nuances of Mass General Law online meeting procedures.
4. Denise Andrews – ORP and Wheeler Mansion
5. Discussion regarding Expansion of National Registry District Designation and proposed update of Preservation Plan.
- Presentation by Robert Watchilla, Community Development.
(Denise and Alec to participate)
6. Nominations for, and election of, Vice Chair and Secretary of the Historical Commission
7. Update regarding requests to Board of Selectmen - 1)approval to seek donations; and 2) request for an official Town account for funds/donations.
8. Open Time for Public Comments
9. New Business
10. Next meeting is set for July 21 at 3pm – remote meeting via Zoom |