Agenda: | 1. Call to order
2. Reading of minutes of October 20 meeting and/or others not previously read
3. Acknowledgements, correspondence, announcements
4. Department Head Reports
5. Old Business:
a. Update on Mass. Cultural Council grant application
b. Update on audit process
6. New Business:
a. Report on MassWorks grant $985,000
b. Public Discussion re: focus of next CDBG grant application
c. Discussion re: Raymond School Lease
d. Review budget process*
e. Discussion re: stipends for boards (elected boards receive them, appointed boards do not)
7. Any other item(s) not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to such meeting
8. Signing of Treasury Warrants
9. Adjournment
*SOP-Budget Schedule
By January 1 of each year, town departments and committees shall submit their budget requests to the Select Board and (per Section XVII of town bylaws) their capital requests to the Capital Planning Committee. By February 1, the Capital Planning Committee shall submit their recommendations to the Select Board, and by April 1, the Select Board shall create an executive budget to present to the advisory Committee. |