Information for Meeting of Park Commission
Tuesday October 20, 2015 6:00 PM EDT

Town:Southampton, MA 
Board:Park Commission
Time:Tuesday October 20, 2015 6:00 PM EDT
Location:Town Hall, break room
Southampton Park Commission Meeting Agenda
for October 20, 2015 at 6:00pm
at Town Hall, break room

•	Attendance: 

•	Review of Minutes of Last Meeting: 

•	Pay Bills:	WMECO #54173302076 ~ $15.25 paid 10/15/15
WMECO #54450502000 ~ $33.33 paid 10/15/15
Ricky’s Porta-Pottys, Inc. ~ $367.50 (to be paid)

•	Old Business:

1.	Conant Park, design & construction of a new playground at pavilion, donated by the Southampton Congregational Church.  $6,000 from CPA funds to pay for installation, ADA accessible wood fiber, timbers and fence, etc.  Special Town Meeting tonight.  

2.	Angel statue at Crossroads Park, new pavers.  Need to discuss walkway & landscaping design and construction in spring of 2016.  

3.	Conant Park and Labrie Field, update use of fields and schedule/type of games to be played. Parking issues and No Parking signs on Strong Road at intersection of road into park.

4.	Shed for Labrie Field, parking rail fence, bulletin board & benches.   Home Depot donations of monies and materials in 2016.

5.	Wolf Pack Cub Scouts, plantings around sign and community service clean-up project.    

6.	Need sign for Crossroads Park.

7.	Highway Department to install posts with collection bags for dog waste at Labrie Field.

•	New Business:

Next meeting date:  Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 6:30pm at Town Hall
Scheduled By:Dylan Mawdsley
Posted At:Oct 14, 2015 10:02 PM EDT
Last Modified:Oct 14, 2015 10:02 PM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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