Agenda: | Be advised this meeting will be video and audio taped.
1. Call Meeting to Order
7:00 p.m. Pole Hearing – Pine Street
7:10 p.m. Peter Petruchik
7:15 p.m. Rep. Dan Winslow
7:30 p.m. Discussion of Union Street Traffic
2. Town Administrator Report
Action Items
- Consider declaring property from the Freeman-Centennial School as surplus property.
- Consider approving the directional sign renewals for Jane & Paul’s Farm and Norfolk Arena.
- Consider approving the schedule for the Fall Town Meeting for November 29th, and opening the warrant.
- Consider appointing Gregory Mirliss as an Associate Member to the Planning Board.
Annual Appointments
3. Discussion Items
- Final review of Selectmen’s annual goals
- Review of commuter parking at Old Town Hall
- Insurance Review
4. Acceptance of Minutes
June 12, 2012
5. Adjournment |