Agenda: | 1)Minutes
2)Preview applications for Nov. Hearings: None
3)Old business
a. Norfolk Condominiums
4)New Business
5)Conservation Commission reviews
Oak Knoll Estates
David Simmons - request for extension of variance for FUGE, Inc.under permit extension act
Jack Scott - request for modification for different species of trees to be planted along Findlen property
Building Dept. letter re: sign violations
Building Dept. letter re: Hickory Bend (over 55 housing on Holbrook St.)
7) Deliberations and Vote:
73 Rockwood Road - variance request to re-locate driveway other than where the frontage is measured
Public Hearings:
7:45 p.m. 73 Rockwood Road - variance - locate a driveway along Tucker Road in lieu of Rockwood Rd. (new house construction) |