Information for Meeting of Select Board
Tuesday August 28, 2012 7:00 PM EDT

Town:Norfolk, MA 
Board:Select Board
Time:Tuesday August 28, 2012 7:00 PM EDT
Location:Room 124, Town Hall
Be advised this meeting will be video and audio taped.

1.   Call Meeting to Order
      7:00 p.m.	Fox Run – Water Discussion

2.  Town Administrator Report
     Action Items
     - Consider approving two new poles for NSTAR Electric for the solar farm on Medway Branch
     - Consider appointing John J. McFeeley as a Registrar (D)

3.  Discussion Items
     - Gump’s Farm Update
4.   Acceptance of Minutes
July 10, 2012; July 24, 2012 – regular and executive session; and August 14, 2012 – regular and executive session.

5.  Adjournment
Scheduled By:Marian Harrington
Posted At:Aug 23, 2012 3:44 PM EDT
Last Modified:Aug 23, 2012 3:44 PM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are on record with the Town Clerk's office
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